$30 Beer & Burger

Weekday lunch special worth bringing the whole team for.

Skip bringing lunch and treat yourself to our famous burger, chips and a beer for $30 between Monday to Friday.

*Please note this is only a lunch special between 12pm - 4:30pm

Suckling Pig Party

"Nose-to-Tail" suckling pig dinner with whole pigs sourced from Boston Bay Smallgoods.

Leaving no stone unturned - an intimate, communal feast celebrating all the trimmings of the humble pig. Joining us will be one of the Fleurieu's finest, Boston Bay Smallgoods. Bringing the Fleurieu Peninsula to the heart of the CBD - showcasing the produce Boston Bay Smallgoods, and South Australia has to offer.

TIME: 06:30pm to 09:30pm (one time seating only)

PRICE: $175.00 per person